Ganesh makes Orissa cricket team IT savy

Video cameras and computers have become indespensible tools of cricket, capturing every bit of action in visual and data form. Even state cricket associations are using the IT gadgets to help players improve their standard. The need to operate the two devices has provided jobs to professionals called video analyst. Ganesh Kar, a 21-year-old NIIT student of Bhubaneswar performed the role for the State, especially for the Ranji team this season. He received only a three-day-long training under the guidance of National Cricket Academy’s technical head Prasanna Ramanna before taking up the job. Ganesh used a software named ‘In-n-Out’ to record all details of the match in different categories. The software starts functioning when a bowler takes off from his mark and ends with the batsmen playing the ball. The video analyst clicks 11 times to register the necessary data that includes the length, line and bounce of the ball, shot played by the batsman, runs scored (direction of the ball is recorded to create a wagon wheel for the concerned batsman) and the fielding of the ball. He caps the process by recording the decision of the umpire. ‘PAC’ is another software Kar uses to record the performance of players at the nets. He first captures the action in the camera and then transfers the visuals to his laptop which analyses the data according to the need. This software points out the faults of a bowler or a batsman. The young analyst’s job does not end there. He burns CDs for each player to help him see and analyse his mistakes at leasure time. Kar too makes motiviational videos, featuring songs and good happenings of a match to lift the spirit of the players, especially after a disappointing day. QUALIFICATION: The job of an analyst requires complete knowledge of the game. He should be well equipped with the computer and programming languages. Besides these technical skills, the analyst is supposed to have good power of concentration and passion for the game. ‘‘You have to be fully focussed on the match to record all the details between the first and last ball of the day. A player can relax for some time but an analyst can not afford to miss a single moment,’’ he points out. Being a leading member of the support staff, the analyst needs to develop good understanding and friendly relationship with the players, coaches, trainers and other support staff. He also has to do physical workout with the players, bowl at the nets and share the high and low moments of the team. RETURNS: Being a beginner Kar receives a payment which he considers reasonable. But he feel the job can fetch enough money for one to take it up as a career. ‘‘Video analyst helped a lot in taking Orissa from Plate to Elite division this season,’’ admitted Orissa Ranji team’s coach Sritam Das. ‘‘The importance of the analyst’s job was that he demonstrated the pros and cons of a player’s performance in a realistic and conceivable manner which a coach could not do. No denying the fact that technology has come to play a big role in cricket today,’’ observed Das.
